Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Jewel Box Houses"

Dear Sara,

"Are you going to try the plastic bottle construction? "

Oh, yes, that's the whole point: to make at least ONE "ecological" recycled / solar / renewable / etc. etc. etc. BEAUTIFUL "jewel-box" house. I'll start with this one since it will cost the least, practically no money... a few thousand dollars, anyway ($5 - 10,000 tops?) and that fits my budget. The one good thing I can think of about being (almost) broke. No money to go to Lowe's (yes, they have one in Guatemala City along with Office Depot and more!) so this time around I will HAVE to figure out ways to "make do" in beautiful, ecological ways. People have been doing it for thousands of years, so I figure so can I. And there's lots of indigenous living almost exactly the way they have for those many long years, and they get along fine. So it seems... and they seem as much or even happier and content than I. So I am happy to give it a try.

What is a "jewel-box" house? You asked me that and I've been thinking about it ever since. It would have to be something of exceptional unexpected beauty, with a beautiful surprise inside!

Lots of polished dark, native woods mixed with lighter tones, lots of skylight areas, many built-ins and closet / storage areas half hidden from view, rich tapestries and glowing windows with clear and rippled glass, with stained glass arches over windows and doors... a thatched or tile roof with lots of shade and sunlight patio space, and everything built "just so." Even the furniture should come "made to measure" to fit the spaces just so. Then add the gorgeous colors of Latin America, the roses, golds, brick and blues... hand painted adobe tiles and adobe, bamboo, palm, flowering vines and scarlet bougainvillea blooming outdoors, keep a tree growing through a roof in the patio area, et voila: perhaps this fits the criteria for a "jewel box house do you think?

I'll send some photos of a beautiful little place I photographed when I went to San Marcos. It's a little cafe next to one of the many spiritual retreat / yoga centers you would love if you were here. Susana from Pura Vida uses it as her "outdoor office" so that is where we met. That pretty much is where I've taken this description from!

How are you doing? Your friend, Katie

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