Friday, June 29, 2007

Catherine & Jessalyn

Photo from a visit last year to Noe Vasquez' daughter Enclish, in Coatepeque, Gautemala, 4 hours from Panajachel at Lake Atitlan. Jessalyn is one of Enclish's daughters, and is as sweet as can be, as are all of Enclish's children. They LOVE crayons and coloring books and come dancing up the street in the rain when they see I've arrived, singing "crayones et livros! crayones et livros!" It's such a pleasure visiting there. Have to go back SOON.

P.S. My hair really isn't white, it's just the way the sunlight reflected in the photo for some reason. I'm partly gray and brown. So many people have asked, I thought I'd answer that question in advance. LOL. (What year / date was this photo taken?)

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